Contempt of Court Colorado


Contempt of Court  Colorado --The Basics  If you believe your ex-spouse or the other parent in your case has violated a court order, you may be able to file contempt against him or her. Is This the Best Remedy? If the other party has violated a court order, you are generally entit ...

Move Out of State with the Kids? Child Relocation Cases in Colorado


Child Relocation Cases in Colorado Sometimes, it may be necessary for a divorced individual to move out-of-state after the divorce.  What happens if you have kids?  Unless you have a written agreement between you and your ex-spouse explicitly stating you can relocate with the children, you will h ...

Colorado's New Maintenance Statute


Colorado's New Maintenance Statute On January 1, 2014, Colorado enacted a new spousal maintenance statute in C.R.S. 14-10-114, setting forth guidelines for maintenance payments from one spouse to another. “Spousal Maintenance” is Colorado’s legal term for “spousal support” or “alimony.” Prior ...

Cheating Spouse: Matter in Divorce?


Colorado: A “No Fault State” In Colorado, there is only one “reason” that the Court will grant a divorce: a finding that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.”  This means, in Court, that the Judge needs to hear you, your spouse, or both of you answer “yes” to the following question: do you ...

5 Non-Tax Reasons to Have an Estate Plan


A common misconception is that the primary purpose of estate planning is to reduce taxes. Another misconception is that only people with “a lot of money” need an estate plan. There are plenty of other compelling reasons why a person should have an estate plan. 1. Control If you have an estate ...

The World of "Unbundled Services"


Want to Save Money But Still Get Help from an Attorney?—the World of “Unbundled Services” Many people facing divorce are scared of the unknown: how will my property be divided? How much time will I have with my children? What happens at a trial if my spouse and I can’t reach a settlement? Is my s ...