The Custody Evaluation Process


In Colorado, custody evaluations are essential in cases where parents cannot agree on custody arrangements. These evaluations provide the court with a detailed, impartial assessment of the family's dynamics, focusing on the child's best interests. Conducted by licensed mental health professionals, t ...

What is Parental Kidnapping in Colorado?


The state of Colorado always aims to put childrens’ best interests first when it comes to custody issues. In recognition of how vital both parents can be in a child’s life, the ideal situation involves equal custody division. However, this isn’t always practical and — in some cases — might even be c ...

Can I Make My Spouse Pay for My Divorce Lawyer?


A divorce lawyer is one of your most powerful resources during a divorce. Their insights and experience can help ensure you receive a fair division of assets, solid custody arrangements, and generally makes the process smoother. That said, there’s no denying that such valuable collaborators ca ...

Can the Police Enforce a Custody Order?


In the best case scenarios, custody orders are made with the best intentions. They’re designed to ensure that the child benefits from maintaining solid relationships with both parents. Even when there isn’t an exact division of custody, this is usually in the child’s best interests ...

At What Age Can a Child Refuse Visitation Under Colorado Law


Divorce is a challenging process for everyone involved, but when children are part of the equation, the stakes are even higher. One question that often arises for parents navigating this difficult terrain is: "At what age can a child refuse visitation under Colorado law?" This is a complex ...

Can a Grandparent File for Emergency Custody?


When people talk about custody hearings, it is usually from the perspective of parents seeking to gain or share time with children. However, it’s also important to understand that grandparents can be an important part of children’s lives. One of the ways this can apply is when the parents are no ...

What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle?


The fair division of custody — known as allocation of parental responsibilities (APR) in the Colorado family court system — is one of the most important aspects of a divorce where shared children are involved. Wherever possible, the courts will aim for joint parental responsibility between both part ...