Divorce is a challenging process for everyone involved, but when children are part of the equation, the stakes are even higher. One question that often arises for parents navigating this difficult terrain is: "At what age can a child refuse visitation under Colorado law?" This is a complex issue that involves various legal and emotional considerations. The objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive understanding of Colorado's laws and guidelines concerning this sensitive topic. By the end of this post, you should have a clearer idea of how the state of Colorado approaches the age at which a child can legally refuse visitation with a non-custodial parent.

The Importance of Child Visitation Agreements

Child visitation agreements are a cornerstone of divorce proceedings involving minors. These agreements outline the terms under which the non-custodial parent can visit the child, including frequency, duration, and location. In Colorado, these agreements are generally court-ordered and legally binding. Failure to adhere to them can result in legal consequences, such as contempt of court charges or even modification of custody arrangements. Therefore, it's crucial for both parents to understand the specifics of their visitation agreement and to follow it diligently.

However, as children grow and circumstances change, the original visitation agreement may no longer serve the best interests of the child. This is where the question of a child's ability to refuse visitation becomes pertinent. In Colorado, while there is no set age at which a child can unilaterally refuse to see a non-custodial parent, the court does consider various factors, including the child's wishes, when determining what is in their best interest. Understanding this legal landscape is essential for parents who wish to respect their child's autonomy while also adhering to the law.

The General Age Guidelines in Colorado

When it comes to the age at which a child can refuse visitation in Colorado, the law is not black and white. There is no specific age threshold that allows a child to unilaterally refuse to see a non-custodial parent. Instead, Colorado law focuses on what is in the "best interests of the child," a term that encompasses a range of factors, including but not limited to the child's wishes. According to Colorado Revised Statutes § 14-10-124, the court considers multiple elements such as the child's emotional ties, adjustment to home and community, and the mental and physical health of all parties involved.

While the child's age and maturity are considered, they are not the sole determinants. Older children, particularly teenagers, may have their preferences given more weight in court, but this is not a guarantee. The court will evaluate the overall circumstances, including the reasons behind the child's desire to refuse visitation, before making any decisions.

Factors Courts Consider

If a child in Colorado expresses a desire to refuse visitation, the court will undertake a comprehensive evaluation to determine whether this is in the child's best interests. Factors that may be considered include:

  • Child's Maturity: The court may assess the child's ability to articulate their reasons for refusing visitation and whether those reasons are grounded in genuine concern or emotion.

  • Reason for Refusal: The specific reasons behind the child's desire to refuse visitation are critically important. If the child is refusing visitation due to allegations of abuse or neglect, the court will take immediate action.

  • Emotional and Physical Well-being: The court will consider the emotional and physical impact of visitation on the child. If visitation is causing significant stress or harm, this will weigh heavily in the court's decision.

  • Family Dynamics: The court may also look at the overall family situation, including the relationship between the parents, to determine if the child's refusal is influenced by parental conflict.

It's crucial to note that the court's primary concern is always the welfare of the child. Parents should be prepared to provide evidence and possibly undergo evaluations to support their case.

How to Modify a Visitation Agreement

If you find yourself in a situation where your child is refusing visitation and you believe that a modification to the existing agreement is in their best interest, there are specific steps and considerations to keep in mind. In Colorado, compelling reasons for modifying a visitation agreement could include:

  • Allegations of Abuse or Neglect: If the child is in immediate danger or has expressed concerns about abuse or neglect, this is a serious matter that the court will investigate promptly.

  • Relocation: If either parent is relocating to a different city or state, the existing visitation schedule may become impractical, necessitating a modification.

  • Change in Circumstances: Significant changes in a parent's lifestyle, such as a new job with different hours, can be grounds for modification if it affects the child's well-being.

  • Child's Academic or Health Needs: If the child's academic performance is suffering, or if there are special healthcare needs that require a change in routine, these can be valid reasons for a modification.

Here are the steps to modify a visitation agreement in Colorado:

  1. Consult an Attorney: Given the complexities of family law, consulting an attorney specialized in this field is highly recommended.

  2. File a Motion: The parent seeking the modification must file a motion with the court that initially granted the visitation agreement. This motion should outline the compelling reasons for the change.

  3. Gather Evidence: Collect all necessary documentation, such as school records, medical reports, or testimonies, to support your case.

  4. Attend a Hearing: Both parties will likely need to attend a court hearing where they can present their evidence and arguments. The child may also be interviewed by the court, depending on their age and maturity.

  5. Court Decision: After reviewing the evidence and hearing arguments, the court will make a decision based on the child's best interests. If the court agrees that a modification is warranted, the visitation agreement will be legally altered.

By understanding the compelling reasons and legal procedures for modifying a visitation agreement, you'll be better prepared to navigate this complex process in the best interests of your child.


Understanding at what age a child can refuse visitation under Colorado law is a complex issue that involves various legal and emotional factors. While there is no set age at which a child can unilaterally refuse to see a non-custodial parent, the court does consider the child's wishes as part of a broader evaluation of their best interests. Parents who are facing this situation should consult legal representation and be prepared to undergo a thorough court evaluation.

Additional Resources

For those seeking more information, the following resources may be helpful: