Littleton Estate Planning Lawyers

Hulse Law Firm, estate planning attorneys in Littleton, CO, will guide you through the planning process and the creation of fundamental estate planning documents. We will discuss a variety of options and the implications of each as it relates to your specific needs. You make all the decisions, but we help you document your wishes clearly, minimize tax ramifications, and avoid mistakes. We will always be available to help you make adjustments as your circumstances and wishes change.

Estate Planning Services

Our firm will prepare asset protection and planning documents including the following:

  • Will – stating how your assets will be dispersed and naming your executor
  • Trust – specifying how and when assets pass to beneficiaries and avoids probate
  • Guardianship – appointing a representative to care for personal and property issues
  • Durable Power of Attorney – naming someone to take care of your finances if it’s ever necessary
  • Living Will – a directive to physicians and family or surrogates for your end-of-life wishes
  • Medical Power of Attorney – naming someone to make sure your health care choices are honored

Hulse Law Firm, Littleton estate planning attorneys, also provides probate and estate administration for carrying out the wishes in your will and handling assets that will pass through probate.

Estate Planning Issues

Without an estate plan, the courts could decide who manages your estate, how assets will be divided, and even who cares for your children. You may not have thought about what happens should you pass away before you have had a chance to do proper planning. The value of your estate could be greatly reduced. In addition, it’s important that your loved ones know your intentions and plans so they don’t make decisions based on erroneous ideas of what they think you would have wanted. Consider the following:

  • Beneficiaries – How will you provide for your family and ensure that your assets are distributed in the way you choose? Do you have children to protect? Blended or extended family members you want to take care of? Friends, charities, foundations, or intentions for other special people or interests that you would like to leave your personal property or portion of your wealth to?
  • Executor – Whom will you appoint to be your personal representative? This person will handle the legalities and carry out the wishes of your will.
  • Avoiding Probate – Do you want your family to avoid the time and expense of probate?
  • Guardianship – Whom would you name as guardian of your children?
  • Incapacitation – Whom do you want to designate to make financial and medical decisions for you if you become unable to do so?

  • Special Circumstances – Will you leave behind a disabled child or family member who will need special assistance? Do you wish to keep certain assets in the family if your spouse remarries? How do you protect your assets from creditors?
  • Eliminating Family Conflict – How can you reduce the stress for loved ones during what will already be a very difficult time? Instructions as to the disposition of your final remains, distribution of sentimental items, and other instructions help avoid confusion or controversy.

Financial and Personal Benefits

Call Hulse Law Firm today for thorough, informed estate planning with our estate planning lawyers in Littleton, CO. Your peace of mind, security, and the future of your family are important to us. We will ensure that you are well-informed and confident about the preparations and choices you make.