High Net Worth Divorce Lawyers in Denver, CO

High-net-worth divorces may become especially complex and challenging. They characteristically encompass assets of significant value, as well as assets that are not always easy to identify, assess, or divide between spouses. Hulse Law Firm is well known in the Denver area for our experience in high stake, complicated divorces involving large assets. If you find yourself facing divorce and are concerned about preserving your wealth, seek our council immediately.

Hulse Law Firm understands that you have spent a great deal of time investing in your career, building a successful business, or creating a lucrative professional practice, and have made many sacrifices to reach your current financial position. You are probably worried about how the divorce process will threaten all that you have worked so hard to accumulate. Knowing that you don’t want to have your money squandered away in contentious or unnecessary litigation, Hulse Law Firm is committed to cost-effective and efficient litigation to protect the value of your estate. While we will work diligently to preserve all of your rights, we will never take advantage of your hard-earned financial position.

Unique Issues in High Asset Divorces

In Colorado divorce cases, the division of assets and debts must be equitable or fair, but that does not always mean equal. High-net-worth cases usually involve a variety of complex assets. If not handled correctly, the outcome of a high-net-worth divorce may be disastrous.

The types of issues that often arise in a high-net-worth divorce include:

  • Defining asset characterization and making the best use of forensic accountants and valuation experts
  • Obtaining a complete and thorough business evaluation and appraisal
  • Deciding what to do with family business assets
  • Negotiating and structuring the division of real estate including second homes and investment properties
  • Identifying if a qualified domestic relations order is necessary for the division of assets
  • Enforcing a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement
  • Analyzing tax records and locating hidden and overlooked assets, income, debt, or offshore accounts
  • Handling issues concerning jurisdiction over international property
  • Addressing eligibility and tax considerations when determining spousal support and child support
  • Examining stocks and trusts as divisible assets and determining present and future value
  • Using QDROs and other tools to value and divide complex retirement plans and accounts
  • Managing assets in the case of a disabled spouse
  • Handling complex dissolution when the client is not liquid

Denver Attorneys Skilled in Preserving Your Assets

Divorce can compromise and even threaten your current standard of living. It creates financial uncertainty, regardless of which side of the equation you may be on. The first and most important step towards resolution is to identify and accurately value assets, which is part of the discovery process. Hulse Law Firm works with forensic accountants, valuation consultants, vocational experts, and financial specialists during this critical process to ensure that our clients receive a proper valuation of any business, professional practice, or properties that may be characterized as community property. There may be a need to have multiple experts for identifying assets and to provide evaluations and testimony. Our trusted consultants are located in the Denver area and are highly regarded experts within their fields.

As high-net-worth divorce attorneys we understand Colorado laws related to property division and know how to protect your interests with realistic and advantageous strategies. We also know how to work toward a mutually agreeable settlement while maintaining as much privacy as possible. When it is necessary to litigate complex asset and debt division issues, Hulse Law Firm won’t hesitate to take your case to trial in order to protect your net worth. Call us today for our aggressive representation and we will immediately get started on your case!